Welcome to the Deskbird Public API

The Deskbird Public API empowers developers to seamlessly integrate our workplace management features into their applications. This developer portal provides comprehensive resources to guide you through the API, including authentication, available resources, code examples, and response definitions.

Calling the Deskbird public api

The Deskbird Public API can be accessed at: https://connect.deskbird.com. All requests should be directed to this domain.


All requests to the Public API require a valid API key for authentication. This key uniquely identifies your company and grants access to the API. To include the API key in your requests, set the Authorization header with the key as its value:

const response = await fetch("https://connect.deskbird.com", {
  headers: {
    "Authorization": "Bearer <your_api_key>",

Obtaining an API Key

To obtain an API key for your company, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Deskbird account at Deskbird using a company Admin user.
  2. Navigate to the Integrations section within the Deskbird app.
  3. Locate the Public API section and create a new API key.

Important Note: When creating an API key, ensure you select the "Public API" key type.


The Deskbird Public API employs pagination to efficiently handle large datasets. This mechanism allows for the retrieval of data in manageable chunks.


Two primary parameters control pagination:

  • limit: Specifies the maximum number of records to be returned in a single response. For instance, setting limit to 10 will yield a maximum of 10 records per request.
  • offset: Determines the starting point within the overall dataset. This parameter is typically used to fetch subsequent pages of results after receiving the initial response. For example, if the first response contains 10 records (as defined by the limit), setting offset to 10 in the subsequent request will retrieve the next 10 records.

API Response

The API response includes a total field, indicating the total number of records matching your search query. This information helps you estimate the number of pages required to retrieve all results based on the specified limit.


Consider fetching a list of all desks in your office, assuming a total of 100 desks. By setting limit to 20, you'll receive the first 20 desks in the initial response. The total field will inform you that there are 100 desks overall. To obtain the next 20 desks, send another request with the same limit but an offset of 20.

By effectively utilizing limit, offset, and the total field, you can efficiently navigate through large datasets provided by the Deskbird Public API.

Get Started

Ready to explore the Deskbird Public API? Dive into our documentation and examples to start building amazing integrations!